Feuerverzinkerei Picker GmbH & Co. KG

- Unterstützung in Produktionsprozessen
- Verpacken der Ware
- operative Verantwortung für die Anlage & Fachliche Führung eines kleinen Teams
- Einrichtung & Inbetriebnahme der Anlage
- Gute Deutschkenntnisse erforderlich
- Versorgung der Arbeitsplätze mit Material
- Be- und Entladen der LKWs
- Staplerschein notwendig
- Durchführung von Produktprüfungen
- Kontrolle der Personal- und Betriebshygiene und Überwachung der Metalldetektoren
- Bereitschaft in Wechselschicht zu arbeiten
Borkshagenstrasse 12
59757 Arnsberg/Germany
Opening Hours:
Mon - Thurs: 7.00 – 16.00
Fri: 7.00 - 15.00
Our Specialities
- QuickTime hot dip galvanizing following prior agreement: 5 hours for small quantities, 24 hours for steel bars, piping and sheet metal.
- Hot dip galvanizing of sheet metal using a special process which requires no suspension holes.
Zinc Bath Working Dimensions
- Length 6.20 metres
- Width 1.20 metres
- Depth 2.20 metres
Enables hot dip galvanizing of components with unit weights of up to 2,500 kg.
Flexible Support Service
- Surface Finishing: Sandblasting, grinding, colour coatings, centrifugal galvanization, zinc spraying
- Services Completing the Package: Professional consulting, reworked goods ready to install, mounting work, commissioning and individual weighing, testing and measuring documentation
- Logistics Services: Delivery services, just-in-time delivery, providing of swap body platform trailers, intermediate storage and handling of blanket orders
Assured Delivery Times
Because of our constant documenting and analysis of all production processes, we can guarantee a constant standard of hot dip galvanizing and also the shortest possible delivery times - some even within 24 hours (with an order volume of 24 tonnes of steel bars, piping, sheet metal). Following prior agreement, hot dip galvanizing of small quantities is also possible within a space of only 5 hours.

The network of businesses making up the Seppeler Group makes it possible for every company involved to offer an individualised range of services tailored to suit all requirements. Hot dip galvanizing possible for screws ranging from 6 mm to 23 m in length or for 4.80 m high steel structures (with unit weight up to 10 tonnes)
- Certified for quality, environment and energy in accordance with DIN EN 9001 DIN EN 14001 DIN EN 50001
- Standard hot dip galvanizing in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14713, DIN EN ISO 1461
- Certified quality in accordance with DASt 022
- Process reliability certified in accordance with DIN EN 1090
- Member of the Industry Association for Hot Dip Galvanizing

- Unterstützung in Produktionsprozessen
- Verpacken der Ware
- operative Verantwortung für die Anlage & Fachliche Führung eines kleinen Teams
- Einrichtung & Inbetriebnahme der Anlage
- Gute Deutschkenntnisse erforderlich
- Versorgung der Arbeitsplätze mit Material
- Be- und Entladen der LKWs
- Staplerschein notwendig
- Durchführung von Produktprüfungen
- Kontrolle der Personal- und Betriebshygiene und Überwachung der Metalldetektoren
- Bereitschaft in Wechselschicht zu arbeiten
Feuerverzinkerei Picker GmbH & Co. KG
Borkshagenstr. 12
59757 Arnsberg/Germany
Managing Directors
Kai Seppeler
Lars Baumgürtel
District Court Arnsberg/Germany HRA 2389
The personally liable partner is the Feuerverzinkerei Picker Verwaltungs GmbH
District Court Arnsberg/Germany HRB 931
VAT Identification No.: DE 123886013