It is the aim of the Dr. Klaus Seppeler Foundation to accompany the Seppeler Group along the way into the future – by means of well-founded research and innovations
taken from the world of practice.

- Unterstützung in Produktionsprozessen
- Verpacken der Ware
- operative Verantwortung für die Anlage & Fachliche Führung eines kleinen Teams
- Einrichtung & Inbetriebnahme der Anlage
- Gute Deutschkenntnisse erforderlich
- Versorgung der Arbeitsplätze mit Material
- Be- und Entladen der LKWs
- Staplerschein notwendig
- Durchführung von Produktprüfungen
- Kontrolle der Personal- und Betriebshygiene und Überwachung der Metalldetektoren
- Bereitschaft in Wechselschicht zu arbeiten
Taking his cue from the foundation traditions of the family and the Seppeler Company Group, in 2003 the qualified engineer Dr. Klaus Seppeler (1926-2008) initiated his eponymous corporate foundation. The foundation, as a partner of the Seppeler Holding and Verwaltungs GmbH & Co. KG, thus secures the future of the Seppeler Group. It marries together the aims of the company with those of the family and sees to it that commercial success and social responsibility go together hand in hand.
The Foundation's members come from a wide range of industries and have a wealth of experience. Thanks to the lively exchange of ideas and information among the members, it is possible to promote or even initiate company-relevant development projects and research activities. The Foundation has an advisory control function by way of the Shareholders' Meeting and the Supervisory Board. The Foundation is not involved in any operational activities carried out by the Group companies' management levels. The Foundation has the self-imposed obligation to ensure that entrepreneurial action is in line with the human-ethical views of the founder, thereby acting in a manner that is close to the family as well as to the company.

The Dr. Klaus Seppeler Foundation members (from left to right) Walter Maaß, Kai Seppeler, Nina Seppeler, Prof. Dr. Ralf Feser, Benedikt Kastrup, Dr. Patrick Maaß
- Unterstützung in Produktionsprozessen
- Verpacken der Ware
- operative Verantwortung für die Anlage & Fachliche Führung eines kleinen Teams
- Einrichtung & Inbetriebnahme der Anlage
- Gute Deutschkenntnisse erforderlich
- Versorgung der Arbeitsplätze mit Material
- Be- und Entladen der LKWs
- Staplerschein notwendig
- Durchführung von Produktprüfungen
- Kontrolle der Personal- und Betriebshygiene und Überwachung der Metalldetektoren
- Bereitschaft in Wechselschicht zu arbeiten

- Unterstützung in Produktionsprozessen
- Verpacken der Ware
- operative Verantwortung für die Anlage & Fachliche Führung eines kleinen Teams
- Einrichtung & Inbetriebnahme der Anlage
- Gute Deutschkenntnisse erforderlich
- Versorgung der Arbeitsplätze mit Material
- Be- und Entladen der LKWs
- Staplerschein notwendig
- Durchführung von Produktprüfungen
- Kontrolle der Personal- und Betriebshygiene und Überwachung der Metalldetektoren
- Bereitschaft in Wechselschicht zu arbeiten
The central aspect of the concept is this: a closed entrepreneurial capital cycle where a large part of the profit is reinvested in corporate research and development (R+D) with the view to strengthening future sustainability and the innovation potential of the company and also to securing jobs. Advancement of the company is specifically promoted by means of financial support for selected innovational projects. Apart from process improvements, the focus here is on digitalisation, logistics and quality assurance.
The objectives have been unequivocally stated: the promotion of further technical developments and the establishing of networks through contacts to universities and research institutes, links undoubtedly capable of driving the company forward.
Every year the Dr. Klaus-Seppeler Foundation Prize for outstanding academic papers on the subject of corrosion protection and surface treatments is awarded by the Dr. Klaus Seppeler Foundation under the auspices of its support for young researchers. The awarding of prizes for these papers together with the award ceremony is organised by Professor Dr. Ralf Feser of the German Südwestfalen University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with the Gesellschaft für Korrosionsschutz e.V. (Registered Society for Corrosion Protection).The result is that the foundation remains in close contact with the research elite in universities and technical colleges, it guarantees that the company is kept up to date with current research findings and it also, through its supporting of young corrosion protection experts, indirectly, takes on general responsibility for the up-and-coming talent in the this branch of industry.

- Unterstützung in Produktionsprozessen
- Verpacken der Ware
- operative Verantwortung für die Anlage & Fachliche Führung eines kleinen Teams
- Einrichtung & Inbetriebnahme der Anlage
- Gute Deutschkenntnisse erforderlich
- Versorgung der Arbeitsplätze mit Material
- Be- und Entladen der LKWs
- Staplerschein notwendig
- Durchführung von Produktprüfungen
- Kontrolle der Personal- und Betriebshygiene und Überwachung der Metalldetektoren
- Bereitschaft in Wechselschicht zu arbeiten

- Unterstützung in Produktionsprozessen
- Verpacken der Ware
- operative Verantwortung für die Anlage & Fachliche Führung eines kleinen Teams
- Einrichtung & Inbetriebnahme der Anlage
- Gute Deutschkenntnisse erforderlich
- Versorgung der Arbeitsplätze mit Material
- Be- und Entladen der LKWs
- Staplerschein notwendig
- Durchführung von Produktprüfungen
- Kontrolle der Personal- und Betriebshygiene und Überwachung der Metalldetektoren
- Bereitschaft in Wechselschicht zu arbeiten
Dr. Federico Martinelli-Orlando successfully completed his dissertation entitled "Cathodic protection mechanisms for steel in soil" at ETH Zurich in December 2022 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ueli Angst.
(Image: BAM)
2022: Master's thesis by Ricarda Grün on the topic "Reduction of corrosion on plasma-electrolytically oxidized magnesium AZ31 through the use of inhibitor-loaded nanocontainers"
2021: Dissertation of Dr. Rückle on the subject of "Oxidation behaviour and the electrochemical characterisation of steels in nitrate smelting at high temperatures"
2020: Master thesis of Shivasarathy Sankaran on the subject of "Development of plasma-electrolytic oxide layers for medical titanium alloys and examination of corrosion and tribo-corrosion behaviour"
2019: PhD thesis of Matteo Stefanoni on the subject of "Corrosion of steel in near-neutral porous media – Corrosion rate in carbonated concrete"
2018: PhD thesis of Robert Muggleton on the subject of "CO2 Preferential weld corrosion of longitudinally welded linepipe: effect of microstructure, corrosion product layers and the environment"
2017: Dissertation of the engineer Dr. Ali Soleimani-Dorcheh at the RWTH Aachen/Germany (The Technical University of Aachen), researching alloys which withstand higher temperatures.
2016: Master thesis of Tobias Liebmann on the subject of "Microelectrochemical studies on wrought aluminium alloys".
If you have any questions or suggestions, we would always be pleased to hear from you. Please get in touch by using the contact details provided here.
Foundation Board:
Lawyer Walter Maaß
Headquarters of the Foundation: Berlin
Postal address:
Dr. Klaus Seppeler Stiftung, Bahnhofstr. 55, D-33397 Rietberg/Germany
Contact address: